Hi everyone,
Your re-elected/acclaimed treasurer here! Thanks to everyone who came to our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday January 25th.
For those who are interested in catching up, here are the minutes and financial documents (they are all google documents, but anyone with the link can view):
Draft meeting minutes
Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2021
Income Statement ending August 31, 2021
There aren't any changes to the board of directors this year - Rhonda, Meghan, Erin, Lise and Jennifer were all acclaimed as directors. We'll hold our first executive meeting of new term in the next few weeks and let you know if there are any officer shuffles.
After the meeting officially concluded, there was some discussion around three things:
1) COVID-19 updated procedures. Rhonda will provide a larger COVID update as BCAS has settled on some updated covid guidance so she will share those by blog post shortly.
2) deep water practices. A question came up around whether the club ever rents pool space at deep water pools. Historically yes, we would have 1-2 practices at UBC before a competition on a Friday night. This season, we haven't booked any deep water practice, but we can look into it.
3) the upcoming competition and the possibility of volunteer requirements. (Historically we had a 5 hour volunteer commitment that members fulfilled, but that has been on hold due to COVID truncated seasons and no competitions). Once the executive meets we'll have more information on this.
Any questions, don't hesitate to contact the exec - vmspresident@gmail.com, vmsregistrar@gmail.com or vmstreasurer@gmail.com are all monitored.